
Showing posts from May, 2022

5 simple exercise to calm your mind:

  1) Sit down comfortably.  2) Take a few deep breaths.  3) Relax every part of your body and every tensed muscle, starting from your toes, and moving slowly toward your head. Focus on each part of your body, relaxing it for a few seconds, and then moving on to the next part.  4) Now, think about something that inspires you or makes you happy. Think of something you love doing, or about a happy event that you went through in the past.  5) Enjoy the happiness and calmness that you are experiencing. Engross yourself in the associated pleasant feelings, and forget everything else for a while.  Repeat this procedure when you feel tense and nervous. This exercise will clam your body and your mind.


 Perhaps the most important mental and spiritual principle ever discovered is that you become what you think about most of the time.Your outer world is very much a mirror image of your inner world.What is going on outside of you is a reflection of what is going in inside of you.You can tell the inner condition of a person by looking at the outer conditions of his or her life. And it cannot be otherwise. 20 Positive Affirmations that Work  Below, you will find a few positive affirmations. Choose and repeat often the ones that appeal to you most. Remember, you need to believe the words you are repeating, so that they can take effect.  1. I am happy and successful in whatever I do.  2. I choose to focus on happiness and positivity.  3. Every day, I am doing something to improve my life.  4. I have a loving partner in my life.  5. I am full of love for everyone.  6. I have love and happiness in my life.  7. I have fun and happiness in my life.  8. People love and respect me and seek my com


When you think and talk continuously about what you want and how to get it, this way of thinking soon becomes a habit.When you think and talk about what you want, you become more positive, purposeful, and creative. When you stay focused on where you're going, you become a more productive and effective person.  It reflects back to you what you are. If you are loving, if you are friendly, if you are helpful, the world will prove loving, friendly, and helpful to you. The world is what you are. The most important principle of human life is that you become what you think about most of the time. This insight is the foundation of religion, philosophy, metaphysics, psychology, and all success. Your outer world is very much a reflection of your inner world. If you change your thinking, you change your life. Your biggest challenge and your greatest responsibility are to create within yourself the mental equivalent of what you want to experience on the outside. By doing this, you activate all

20 Positive Affirmation that work.

 1. I am happy and successful in whatever I do.  2. I choose to focus on happiness and positivity.  3. Every day, I am doing something to improve my life.  4. I have a loving partner in my life.  5. I am full of love for everyone.  6. I have love and happiness in my life.  7. I have fun and happiness in my life.  8. People love and respect me and seek my company.  9. I get along very well with everyone.  10. I am full of energy and motivation.  11. I am earning a lot of money, doing something I love.  12. I have a great job that I like very much.  13. All my ambitions are being realized.  14. Every day my life is getting better and happier.  15. Everything in my life in improving and getting better.  16. I am enjoying the good things of life.  17. I am blessed with happiness, love and success.  18. I attract positive and happy events into my life.  19. I attract the best circumstances into my life.  20. I attract positive, happy and supportive people into my life.